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The most obvious observation since “the Emperor has no clothes” surely must be “men created God”

The most obvious observation since “the emperor has no clothes” surely must be “men created God”. Probably more than at any time in history — male fingerprints are all over divine law.

I believe that the trillions of words which comprise the content of supposedly sacred texts are the product of human thought, and be it via stone tablets on a mountain, or golden plates upon a hill, the concept of supernatural revelation is silly — as is the divine dictation theory.

I further believe there is peace to be found within non-anthropocentric ethics while dismissing promises of eternal titillation and ignoring threats of interminable torture — the inexplicable infinite universe has always done it for me.

One need not be an ‘ist’ of an ‘ism’ to possess strongly held convictions regarding such principles — here are my five personal tenets:

I believe that my conscious existence is a privilege beyond description.

I believe that every word of all text in existence is the product of human thought.

I believe I should regard myself as neither superior nor inferior to anything within the infinite universe.

I believe I should avoid needlessly extinguishing life or disturbing natural order within the infinite universe, and take from it no more than I need.

I believe the profound is all around.

Ron Williams  2010